Your Referral Power

When you ask for referrals, you need to speak with both power and confidence. The concept of the “Power Statement” is meant to help you prepare to ask and to get ready in the event you may feel a little awkward in asking. 

We call is an “art” because there are many ways to ask and you can be quite creative in your approach. But first, you have to have the basic words you’ll use clearly in place so that you’re not fumbling when you’re at the point of asking.

We urge you to simply write down a short phrase or two with the keywords in them that clearly show what you’re seeking. Remember, you’ve been “giving”into the relationship now for a few weeks and your contacts are ready to learn by your teaching them… what they can do for you. 

Download the article and draft your power statement starting with the suggestions there.

As I’ve progressed with different people and groups, I have often taken on the role of teaching people how to get referrals for themselves as a part of teaching them how to make great introductions to me. So our relationships became a mutually beneficial, intentional collaborative win-win relationship… And yielded great results!