The “Text” Message Touch

Possibly no type of connecting with people is as prevalent and growing as much as text messaging or messaging as its more generically known.

I suggest that you mix in messaging as a “touch” after the first one or two contacts, but there is a clear responsibility and best way to do that.

First, because there’s 90%+ likelihood your message will be read, be sure it is meaningful to what is emerging in the building of your relationship with the recipient.

It’s better to make it something that’s following up from an earlier contact and not simply a howdy…

Possibly you’ve found an answer or a resource your contact was seeking. A quick text saying you’ve found the answer or have a resource and then convey that you’ll be sending it along (another touch) in some manner (email, drop by, an introduction).

I purposely do not use social media chat tools for these types of touches. Its personal as I believe there’s inconsistency in knowing what you send is being seen in many of those tools.  As an example a financial adviser recently shared how only 10 in 1000 messages sent on LinkedIn received a response. 

Also. the “text messaging” touch itself is a great way to renew a relationship that has “slipped through the cracks.” You’ll enjoy the article on the “Appreciation Challenge” coming up later in this training/

Finally, as your connection grows, I believe you should use the most likely method to get your message through… and that is a simple text message to their phone number.  There you’ll be seen and always grow your “top of mind awareness” in whomever is receiving your attention.