Your Action Steps

So here, you’re about to open up the flow of reciprocal results and new referred opportunities to you. Don’t get impatient as this is a process and relationships evolve and in this case strengthen because its you who is making the effort to build. 

People respond at their own pace so keep up the every other week outreaches to your contacts… don’t stop these! Keep track and log in the responses you’re getting as that is foundational to what you’re doing and how you can become more effective in your continuing communications.

So your action steps this week are:

1. Keep the ongoing “touch-cycle” going and don’t stop!

2. Draft your own ask questions… your Power Statement… and then get comfortable with it yourself ahead of using it with someone. 

3. Think about new and creative ways that you can “ask” that fits your style, the relationship, and the needs of the person who you are building the relationship with. Here, I like to think about this as creating your own “culture” of asking and receiving… and making it easy and natural for all parties.