Starting to Get In Touch with Your “A-List”

The goal here is to get started in building a relationship with people you’ve selected for your “A-list.” This is accomplished by creating what we call an engaged relationship and is accomplished by your reaching out to each person on your list about every other week..

So remember, you selected people for your “A-list” based on your suspecting that with you having a growing relationship with them, they’d be open to referring you to the kinds of people they know that you’d like to meet.

To encourage them to join you in this growing relationship, an every other week “touch” creates engagement and build “top of mind awareness” (TOMA) and increase the trust and their desire to respond to your outreaches to them. 

Its really very simple… be sure to read the resources in the Tools and Tips about Influence and Engagement for added perspective on why this is so important.

In getting going on this “touch” cycle means that if you have an “A-list” with 20 people on it … and you’ve an every other week get-in-touch schedule, that each week one-half of your “A-list” is set-up for contact by you. 

So 10 people each week, the selected 10 shifts or varies every other week in an ongoing back and forth cycle   Keep looking at the numbers as if you have 10 people to reach out to in the coming week then that means you only have to do these “touches” with 2 people every day. 

As you get started on this 2-a-day cycle, I urge you to time block 10 minutes each day where you’re reminded to complete these contacts. The more you follow this routine then the greater your new referred leads will flow in the weeks ahead.

This is a proven process that shows if you spend 10-15 minutes a day in the reaching out to your ‘A-list’ you’ll start to earn referrals starting after the 3rd touch and after 10-12 weeks your “A-list” will produce 8-10 new referrals every single month! 

In upcoming lessons here we’ll go over topics like expanding your “A-list”, weeding out unresponsive people, how to address former clients and reconnecting with past and forgotten relationships.

Yet for now get started in following the every other week cycle of making contact with something that is relevant to each of your “A-list” contacts. 

Now you know “who” to be connecting to and “why” you need to make this dedicated effort… in this lesson and in the next one you’ll learn the “how to” make those “touches” and some of the best practice to hit the ball out of the park with these key people.

Starting to Get In Touch