Going Deeper into Understanding Referrals and Some Best Practices

As we go further into the process of building relationships with your “A-list,” its important to use what you’re learning and hearing from each individual to find some specific ways to bring the referral question forward. Every individual is unique as is every relationship.

For myself, I always seek to make introductions first as a way to set the example for a two-way beneficial relationship. I frequently ask, “how would I know if someone I meet is a good person to introduce to you.”

Similarly, I never want to suggest an introduction unless I am certain it would be a good one. This is very important because with every referral I give, my trust is going with it so I want to spend from that account wisely.

A close friend teaches that “your influence goes up or down with every interaction” so that drives how I look at the how and what I bring to my relationships. We teach the importance of:

  • great collaboration
  • being conscious and aware of each activity or interaction
  • and taking the “highest and best,” most responsible role in a relationship possible

Its also important to note here that people will mirror or seek to match what you do or show in your actions… so as you give, you’re teaching… and as you’re teaching, you’re setting the table for what you’re going to be getting back. 

Going Deeper…